This type of bouquet is perfect for summer weddings that take place outside, such as in garden or on the beach. It has a nature inspired look, with its flower simply done by tying the flower blooms together, usually with a fancy ribbon or bow. This type of bouquet is suitable for almost any setting, whether formal or informal. Textured flowers such as roses, peonies and chrysanthemum can add extra elegance to the bouquet. To make it more personalized and unique, u can use your mother’s old wedding dress instead of using a ribbon. It would look very classical and eye-catching.
This is an elegant yet simple modern look and with an extremely beautiful design suited for any type of wedding. Over arm bouquets are commonly seen with long-stemmed flowers such as calla lilies, orchids and roses. These flowers have a sturdy and durable stems that can be wrapped together with a ribbon making it a more stylish one. This bouquet will go perfectly with a figure fitting dresses. Holding flowers for long may make them become heavier, so better select the once that are lighter.
In most weddings, round flower bouquet is commonly used. This is similar to the posy style bouquet but a bit larger in size and usually has a set of different variety of flowers. Using contrasting colors will give a larger visual impact to your design. If you are more particular with the fragrance, try adding sweet smelling roses, lilacs or peonies to your bouquet.
Creativity in designing your flower bouquets is as much as finding the perfect dress for your wedding. Selecting the perfect blooms suited for your dress, the color of your wedding palette and the availability of your flower choices are some of the important things you should consider. Knowing the various designs of bouquets can help you select the perfect arrangement of complementing flowers for your wedding day.
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